I've imported 18K images into an Aperture managed library from my Photo Mechanic structure. All seems to have gone well but when I try to create a Vault for backup to a separate drive I get the following message:
“New Vault Could Not Be Created
Please ensure that the destination path has the appropriate permissions and that the vault has a unique name.”
I'm clueless about how to proceed. I've done a Repair Permissions on the drive I want to use for backup but it didn't make any difference. Can someone shed any light on this?
Check to make sure the HD is formatted with Journal. Control click on the HD and check that you have read write permissions for that HD.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ
Eureka! The HD was formatted with Journal but set for only read permission. I set it for write permission and have now backed up the Library in the Vault. One other Q though: how do I confirm everything is there? The Aperture Library weighs 195GB but the Vault indicates 223GB. that seems strange since I thought the Vault compressed all images.
Another solution for the drive permissions is to simply enable “Ignore ownership on this volume” [screenshot].
As far as the bigger Vault goes, I don’t have a good answer but someone else posted this question recently on the Apple forums, here. There is some discussion that the Vault may be making full size previews for files even if you don’t have them that size in the Library itself. Curious.
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Thanks, Joseph. I see I’m not the only one mystified.