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help with old .pct files #1
Davidset's picture
by Davidset
August 8, 2012 - 6:46am

Would you please tell me the procedure for converting my old scanned .pct files in iPhoto,so that Aperture can see them. They work fine in iPhoto the way they are but i would like to be able to work with them in both programs.
I tried exporting ,processing with a conversion app to jpeg and tiff,re-import back into iPhoto ,aperture still can't see most of them. Change attempts are thrown away, iPhoto library is back to what it was.
.pcts are there but not accessible.
All help appreciated Thanks
David S.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 8, 2012 - 8:40am


Interesting… so you have .pct files in iPhoto, but if you open that same Library in Aperture, they don’t show up? Or are you trying to view them some other way in Aperture?

Also what versions of iPhoto and Aperture and the OS are you using — are you fully up-to-date?

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Davidset's picture
by Davidset
August 8, 2012 - 9:09am

Aperture and iPhoto are current,mountain lion .I was hoping opening the iPhoto library in Aperture would solve the issue.( previously I had to browse the other library from within either program ) but that never worked . Aperture could never handle the Apple .pct files. Maybe exporting from iPhoto to the desktop as a jpeg, and then importing into Aperture is a slow , but only option?
David S


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 8, 2012 - 9:13am


Interesting, but yes that may be your only option. Just as a matter of interest, if you take one of the original .pct files and import that into Aperture directly, do you get the same results?

Do these photos have many iPhoto effects applied? If so, then yes I’m afraid that’s your best way. Export everything as a JPEG one project at a time, into folders named the same as the original iPhoto projects, then import that collection of photos all at once into Aperture.

If you don’t care about the iPhoto treatments, then it might be quicker to batch convert ALL of the .pct files to JPEG using another batch conversion utility, or even Automator, but then you’d have to reorganize them all in Aperture.

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Davidset's picture
by Davidset
August 8, 2012 - 10:07am

Thanks Joseph,
I’ll try the direct import first, and then go the export import route. I’m mainly worried that unless I get them more up to date I may loose them all.
You have a great site, the only problem is there is always one more thing to buy!(:-))).


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