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Scope of Smart Album "Library" Varies. Why? #1
Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
July 29, 2012 - 8:55pm

[on Ap 3.2.4]

I have all of my smart albums (whose Source is the entire library) in a hierarchy of folders starting all the way to the left under “Projects & Albums”. These folders do not contain any projects.

1. “Stack picks only” is selected on all of them. If I choose “Library” as the Source, I get many more photos than if I pick the lower folder as the source. How does the scope of one of these folders differ from its parent folder ?

2. If I export the smart album as a new library, I get all of the versions, not just the stack picks. Why?

2.a. Is there a way to (easily) get only the stack picks?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 31, 2012 - 4:08am


I’m not sure I follow question 1. If you pick “Library” as the source then of course it will search the entire Library. Choosing any folder or project will only search what’s in those folders or projects. But it seems you understand that, so I think I’m just not understanding the question. Maybe a screenshot of your hierarchy would help?

For 2, stacked images always live together, and when you export one it takes them all. That’s just how stacks work.

If you want to only get the picks, you’d have to separate them out of the stack.

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Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
July 31, 2012 - 6:39pm


For #2, the answer wasn’t unexpected. I was hoping that I’d missed something, as when one makes many versions (to compensate for the lack of an editable, time-sequenced history of adjustments), it bloats my exported libs by about 20%.

[Note: Look at my conclusion. I may be assuming that a functional relationship exists where it never did, but then something is changing my counts…the sleuthing continues…]

As for #1, let’s start with a simple example. I right-click on my lib , it places the new folder in the left-most column under PROJECTS & ALBUMS:


.SA1a Scope[Library] Rating=5 Version_count=13
.SA1b Scope[Top_folder] Rating=5 Version_count=0
..SA2a Scope[Library] Rating=5 Version_count=13
..SA2b Scope[Mid_folder] Rating=5 Version_count=0

What determines the scope of Top_folder?

In other words, what object, when added in the Top_folder, would increase the SA1b Version_count?

Then, since it’s a hierarchy, how does the now-altered scope of Top_folder change that of Mid_folder (if any)? Or, what is the scope relationship between a parent-folder and a child-folder? Would there be any difference if it were Top_folder and Top_folder2?

If so, is the folder hierarchy strictly cosmetic for visual organization? No functional difference between parent/child (hierarchy) and parent1/parent2 (separate folders, no hierarchy)?

Your answers to this will be applied to my hierarchy to see whether or not it accounts for the differences. Thanks.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 1, 2012 - 7:00am


Anything added into any folder — Projects, Albums, Books, etc. — show up in the results of a Smart Album looking at that folder.


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Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
August 20, 2012 - 4:56pm

So, if the top-most folder only contains a smart-album and sub-folders (which themselves contain sub-folders, thus a hierarchy), is the scope of the top-folder-smart-album the aggregate of anything that appears lower in the hierarchy?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 21, 2012 - 2:21am


Yes, that should be the case. Easy enough to test…

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