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Black Friday Sale

PhotoJoseph's picture
November 25, 2012 - 5:41am

Hello readers!

In case you missed the news on the twittters, the facebook, the Google+, or the Newsletter, here it is again… 

Black Friday Sale 33% off… everything

Use the code “blackfriday” at checkout on both the ApertureExpert Store as well as the video2brain store (which has all my new training, including non-Aperture stuff like iPhoto and iMovie for iOS, iBooks Author, and a whole lot more!), and even my “recommended” videos by other authors in there too, for a whopping 33% off discount!

This sales goes to the end of the day Monday (Pacific time) and you will have 10 days to download any purchases. Of course if you can’t download them all in that time and your links expire, just let me know and I can reactivate them.

Finally if you’re not on the newsletter, you’re missing out — there’s a HUGE bundle on there, along with some extra files not available anywhere else, so you’ll want to check that out for sure! (Even if you’re not subscribed now, once you sign up you can still view previous issues).

Enjoy, and happy holidays! 

Apple Aperture


Tried to avail of your 33% discount on video2brain website for the Pro Aperture course but typing the code into the Coupon Code yielded:

“This is an invalid code. Please check for spelling errors and make sure that the code hasn’t expired. If you have any questions, please contact us at

At the checkout, the price was still 34.99 - no discount. I could have sworn Switzerland was still 9 hours ahead of US Pacific Time and so still about 8 hours before it expires!! As I am already on Tuesday here in Zurich, maybe it just doesn’t like that?

Looks like a fantastic course and I’ll probably buy it anyway but still, would like to know what’s up here.



floodjo wrote this - accept no other!


I just tried it and it’s working fine for me. Please be sure you’re entering the code as “blackfriday”, and let me know. I just heard this from someone else too but I’m pretty sure that the code had been entered incorrectly.


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