Happy Birthday to Me…
A glimpse into the world of rural Slovenia… for more see @PhotoJoseph on Instagram
On a personal note…
So there you have it, I turn 40 today. Born on 10/04 at 10:04 (true story) in nineteen hundred and seventy three. I remember when my dad turned 40… I think it was a much bigger deal back then. Maybe these days the bigger deal is 50. 50 is the new 40? By the time I get to 50 it’ll be “60 is the new 50!” and on and on. Something tells me I’m gonna get ripped off of the “big” birthday this way. In 2073 it’ll be “150 is the new 100!”. Heck if I see 2073, we’ll be thinking to capture photos, wiggling our noses to edit, and blinking to share them. It’ll be awesome.
So, let’s have a party! Oh wait, as you read this (assuming you’re reading this the day of release), I’m in Slovenia celebrating with my wife and her family. We’re having a pretty epic party, and right about now the whole pig should be coming off the roasting spit. If you’re on Instagram, I’m @PhotoJoseph, and the hashtag for this trip is #30Euro40 — those who know me personally will understand that. Drop by and see how dinner looks!
Back to the ApertureExpert party. The only way we can celebrate is to have a big-ass sale. So hey, how about 40% off for the next 40 hours? Does that work?
This post went live at 12:00 Pacific, which is 13:00 Mountain, which is where the download servers are… so 40 plus 13:00, carry the 12, divide by 6 and add pi, and we have a closing sale time of 05:00 Mountain on 2013/10/06. That’ll do.
The code? Why, 30Euro40 of course!
This will work both on the ApertureExpert store as well as my legacy video2brain store, including all third-party training on there. Enjoy!
And hey… happy birthday to all of you :-)
on October 5, 2013 - 4:10am
Happy Birthday Joseph. I think I just figured out the meaning of your hash tag. So make it a double happy birthday.
on October 5, 2013 - 11:14am
Happy Birthday, Joseph! And many more to come!
on October 5, 2013 - 11:18am
P.S. On the home page under the photo for this post I think you mean “entail” and not “curtail”.
on October 5, 2013 - 12:19pm
Well Dan, I’m into my 2nd 40 a bit and I think “curtail” describes my situation perfectly. But you’re probably right.
on October 5, 2013 - 3:39pm
Congrats on 40!!
I’m about to become 65 and have never felt younger. I photograph daily and partake in many shows and exhibitions! See my Photo of the Day at http://www.blipfoto.com/WetcoastBob
on October 5, 2013 - 7:29pm
A day late, but I do hope you’ve had a great day. 40 isn’t that bad after all.
Many happy returns from Rotterdam, Holland.
on October 6, 2013 - 5:48pm
Happy Birthday Joseph! I am sure the next phase is a lot more exciting!!!!
on October 6, 2013 - 6:57pm
Happy Birthday Joseph!
on October 8, 2013 - 8:56pm
Happy Birthday Joseph. Greetings from Croatia!