Hi all,
I want to be able to show in metadata (or via a smart album) pictures that may be shaky due to being shot at a low shutter speed.
I would like to easily identify photos where
shutterspeed < 1/focal length
I know this doesn't take into account many other factors such as whether a flash or tripod was used, but it's a start!
Any ideas?
Hi Tim
Great a SmartAlbum and add a Rule. The rule you are looking for is EXIF and in that they have Shutter speed with a less than option you are good to go. Cheers
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ
Hmm…If I understand what you’re after, you want to perform math (however trivial :) in the Smart Album criteria. I don’t think that’s possible.
There’s certainly greater/less than comparisons for shutter speed and focal length. But I think you’ll need a set of smart albums to accomplish your desired end game.
For example, do a “Shaky @ 50mm” album. First criteria is focal length = 50. Second criteria is shutter speed > 1/50. And set the album for “All of the following that match”.
Repeat (ad nauseum) for other focal lengths.