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Permanently deleting RAW files to increase free space on hard drive #1
mslynnf's picture
by mslynnf
December 26, 2013 - 11:11pm

The hard drive on my iMac is almost full… I’ve figured that the ‘other’ files showing as the large yellow line are my CR2 files, (Basically I have photos only on my machine) so I’ve pulled off all my Aperture Masters to an external hard drive with the intention of keeping what is in my Aperture library on my machine, to a minimum. However, having deleted a whack from my Aperture library, clearing the trash and restarting my machine, there is no change to the free storage available. Ideas?

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
December 28, 2013 - 1:19am

Not sure I understand the first part of the questions.  Let me try with the delete and no change in size issue.  When you deleted the whack from aperture you used aperture keystrokes or menus to delete them, correct? Then you emptied the Aperture Trash and then you emptied the System trash?  And still no change in  disk size or Lib size?  David

ps  I never delete Raw files that are 1 star and higher but my wife thinks Im crazy in a lot of areas.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

smb's picture
by smb
December 29, 2013 - 4:58am

Not sure either. But if you have an EHD why aren’t your Libraries and Vaults on the EHD (preferably one for each) and then you have no images or image data on the iMac hard drive.


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