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Joseph, Library help please #1
Davidset's picture
by Davidset
February 6, 2014 - 7:04pm

I have all of your videos, and ebooks, but this still escapes me. I use a managed library, and round trip occasionally to photoshop and cnx2 for trials, comparisons or whatever.  If I used a referenced library, could I open and work on these raw files directly from the library in these programs? Is there a down side or danger to working this way? Would the processed photo even be able to show up, and be kept with its matching Aperture versions?—and on a side note I see people talking about having a managed library on an external HD, how is that done„I thought once you moved the library to an external HD it would be referenced? With the newer, smaller  ssd HDs  this may become more common.

Thanks for any help

david s


Charles Putnam's picture
by Charles Putnam
February 6, 2014 - 7:46pm

The short answer - yes, you’d be able to work on the files directly.  The one main downside is that Aperture can’t read the sidecar data changes that you made to a RAW image.  i.e. if you open up a Nikon NEF image in Adobe Camera Raw, make edits in JUST ACR, and click Done, Aperture can’t read the changes stored in the separate XMP file.  In the same way, Aperture can’t read changes made to a DNG file.

You’d have to save as a TIF, PSD, JPEG or other compatible file format in order for Aperture to show those changes.

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