I’ve created a custom Preset for a number of slideshows within the same Project. When I create each slideshow I’d like to use the same presets. After setting the parameters for each aspect in the Preset window I click on ‘OK’ per Aperture Help’s menu instructions.
The problem arises when I go to actually create the new Slideshow from an album of images in that Aperture Project: I’m not offered the preset I just created. However, when I go back to the Preset for Slideshow drop down window I do see the new custom Preset I had created; I see each parameter correctly shown as I chose it previously.
Although I saved it with my ‘OK’ why am I not offered it when I need it to create my new Slideshow ?
Thank you for any help you may be able to offer.
Try duplicating one of the slideshows containing your presets. You can then rename it and change what images are shown. Slideshows work like albums in terms of the images contained in them. You can delete the images in it and add new ones. You could even duplicate one of your current custom slideshows, name it something like “slideshow template”, then duplicate that as your starting point for all new ones.
You might even create a top level folder called TEMPLATES where you store master templates for all kinds of things .. project structures, slideshows, books.
Photographer | https://www.walterrowe.com | https://instagram.com/walter.rowe.photo
Your suggestion worked perfectly. Thank you.
Bob S.
I have the same issue that Bob mentions except the solution that Walter proposes does not work for me. I duplicate a slideshow preset, give it a new name (in this case I copied Classic and called it Classic Shuffle). I also tried modifying an existing preset, but the change I made (I selected the Shuffle slide order option) were not included in a new slideshow I created.
Thank you,
PS: I tried shutting down Aperture and restarting, no change.
PPS: I am using Aperture 3.5.1
I didn’t say duplicate a slideshow preset. I said duplicate a slideshow you have completed, then delete all the images in your duplicate slideshow and populate it with new images. Slideshows, like albums, can contain images from any project and you can put them anywhere an album can go.
Photographer | https://www.walterrowe.com | https://instagram.com/walter.rowe.photo