How can I find out the date of my last time I did a vault backup? thanks, sharon ann
Sharon Ann
Find the Vault in Finder and “Command + I” click on the highlighted Vault. At the base of the info dialogue box should be a current date. Twitter= @davidbmoore Scottsdale AZ
David, Thank you. I am going to email you seeking help. Sharon Ann
ok sure! but could keep the conversation on line for everyone.
Find the Vault in Finder and “Command + I” click on the highlighted Vault. At the base of the info dialogue box should be a current date.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ
David, Thank you. I am going to email you seeking help. Sharon Ann
Sharon Ann
ok sure! but could keep the conversation on line for everyone.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ