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Folders and subfolders help #1
fink's picture
by fink
July 7, 2015 - 12:19am

Prior to 2007, I was a windows user and used a generic photo management software.  I imported pictures in the typical folder and subfolder hierarchy.  In 2007, I converted to a Mac, used iPhoto to import new photos, and kept them as “managed” files.  In addition, for a brief period I used an adobe product to manage new photos.  I now have a mess, with pictures and videos in many different folders and subfolders.

I plan to utilize Photos and prefer to store my pictures locally and not use iCloud.  I am in need of advice on how to or even if I need to “clean up” my existing folder structure.  Also, Should I import my pictures or use referenced files?

Thanks for everyone’s help!

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
July 7, 2015 - 5:57am

Although the current version of Photos will let you maintain a referenced library, it really doesn’t want you to maintain that. For example, once you consolidate to a managed library, you can’t go back except for newly imported photos. And some features (e.g. iCloud Photo Library which I know you don’t want) don’t work with a referenced library.

I would recommend that unless you feel like managing it yourself and keeping track of photos or if you need access by another app, just go managed and be done with it.

If you import all your stuff into a managed Photos library, there’s no more cleanup to do with any folder structure except to get rid of it.


fink's picture
by fink
July 7, 2015 - 7:18pm

Thomas –

Thanks for your quick reply!

I just want to make sure that I do not mess anything up J

  • From the Photos menu, I will select and import the main Folder (which contains pictures, videos, and all of the subfolders that contain the same type of information).
  • Photos will import, create a duplicate copy of all the data, and put that data in Photos’s own file structure.
  • I should then be able to delete the current main Folder.

What is the best way to confirm that all of the information in the main Folder has been imported?

Thanks again!!  

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