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Moving Places data to Capture One from Aperture #1
David Edge's picture
by David Edge
December 5, 2015 - 5:46pm

I want to have another go at moving to C1P and would like to take my places data with me. If I write metadata to originals and then inspect the metadata using Metadata Editor then it writes the GPS data for photos taken with a GPS device, but not for photos geotagged manually using Places even though the Lat/Long shows up in Info in the GPS metadata view.

Any ideas chaps?



Robin Clark's picture
by Robin Clark
January 18, 2016 - 4:13pm

Hi, using xmp sidecar files was the only sensible way I could make it work.  It works either by importing via an Aperture library or just from images. 


David Edge's picture
by David Edge
January 22, 2016 - 7:12pm

Thanks Robin

I tried that - I imported the Aperture library and then exported the masters to another set of folders along with .xmps and finally merged the xmps with the RAWs. I then turned C1P syncing on.

The disadvantage of that workflow is that there’s a bug in both C1P8 and 9 that Phase One acknowledges, but hasn’t got to the bottom of, where C1P for it’s own reasons just destroys all your keywords, ratings and colour blobs. You can restore, but it will do it again at random. Needless to say it doesn’t affect everyone, but it’s a bit off-putting and I am one of the victims!



Robin Clark's picture
by Robin Clark
January 22, 2016 - 9:02pm

Hi David. I’ve not seen that symptom yet but I’ve stopped after testing the import process as I’m happy to continue with Aperture until a clear winner is found. I keep doing round trips of various imports just trying different scenarios. I don’t do any editing so that’s possibly why I’m not seeing the issue you are. 

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