This is for me the best announcement made for Photos for macOS today:

Hoping that this new feature will not be limited/crippled by a JPEG only return from the chosen app. Hope the app can send back an uncompressed TIFF if chosen by user.
This is a great step in the right direction..Could essentially make any macOS app into a plugin for Photos… I will have to watch a few videos on CoreImage or Photokit during this week’s WWDC talks.
What do you guys think about this news.
I wasn't totally clear on what this meant… “edits saved to the Photos library”; to me that means that the native file (i.e. PSD) is saved back in Photos, so you can open it again in the external editor. Is that what you interpret that to mean?
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Hi Joseph,
The way I interpret it is: Open a picture in Pixelmator.. conduct your edits there.. once edited, hit save or close in the app and go back to Photos.. the picture will have reflected all the edits made in that app.
I am thinking that Apple might be saving a sidecar type file (maybe hidden from Finder) that contains specific details about the edits and if ever you reopen tat photo in Pixelmator, you can continue editing right where you left off…
I am thinking not all apps will be compatible at first.. developers will need to incorporate some kind of API into their apps for this type of behaviour to work.. Pixelmator and Photoshop might have gotten an early access to the API hence they were shown in the demo picture. (though int he menu, I do see “other”).. interesting indeed.
SKR Imaging
It doesn't have to be that complicated. As long as the app saves its native file format with a JPEG preview (which is standard), then ANY app should be available as an “open in editor” destination.
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I hope you are right, Joseph. I wonder what Pixelmator is up to? Apple Photo is active “behind the curtains”…
/ Magnus
Anyone tried out High Sierra yet? I too am very intrigued…