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Aperture 3 upgrade #1
Clint Fraser's picture
by Clint Fraser
July 8, 2011 - 2:09pm

Hi - I recently went to open Aperture and I was met with a pop up asking me if I wanted to upgrade my Aperture 3 library. I indicated “upgrade” and then it logged in to the program. Nothing is there! It looks like I am starting from scratch. No albums or libraries - not a single image. It indicates that I am using version 3.1.1. Do you know how I can get my images back? Much appreciated.

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
July 9, 2011 - 5:10am

Do you have more than one library?

Try File->Switch to Library->Other/New… Is there only one library in the list? What is the file path to the library selected (at the bottom of the dialog. Have you been working with the default library file in your User/Photos folder?

Where is your backup? Have you been using the Aperture Vault to backup your library?


Clint Fraser's picture
by Clint Fraser
July 10, 2011 - 12:34am

I tired that and it worked nicely. Very much appreciated - Thanks.


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