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Aperture and mdworker not playing nicely #1
Brian N's picture
by Brian N
December 3, 2011 - 10:57pm

I started noticing that mdworker would spike when using Aperture 3, so I checked Console and found this message:

12/2/11 2:00:30.192 PM mdworker: (Normal) Import: exceeded time/resource use limits after 12002 milliseconds, reason:1 - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 14646244

So… I went to terminal and typed “sudo mdutil -t 14646244” and… It was the Aperture Library.

After doing some googling, I have tried:
* Reparing Aperture Library
* Reset Home Directory Permissons and ACLs
* Clearing index and reindexing

Not really sure what else to try… Any thoughts?

btw… Right now I just have the Aperture library not indexed (spotlight privacy settings) to avoid any issues.

Late 2008 Macbook 13” Aluminum/Uni (6GB ram, 2 GHz Core 2 Duo)
Aperture 3.2.1
OS X 10.7.2

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
December 6, 2011 - 10:03am


Nice sleuthing.

Perhaps rebuild the spotlight database? Here’s a simple way to do it, although I’m sure there are terminal commands that properly delete it as well

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Brian N's picture
by Brian N
December 6, 2011 - 10:16am


Thanks! I did it via terminal (the “clearing index and reindexing”).

Hopefully it’s a bug that Apple knows about?

Although… I’m not sure what benefit indexing the Aperture library will have? I can still search within Aperture.

finally… my library is 130 GB… I guess that’s large, but I think I’ve seen others with bigger?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
December 6, 2011 - 10:26am


I don’t think you’ve hit an Aperture-specific bug, just an issue with Spotlight. Perhaps even just a hiccup; it’s not uncommon for people to find their index is missing things and have to redo it.

The fact that Aperture was causing the problem is likely just because of how complex and ever-changing the Aperture library is. Searching within Aperture is NOT part of Spotlight; Aperture maintains it’s own database.

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Brian N's picture
by Brian N
February 23, 2012 - 8:20pm


- First… The good news. I think 10.7.3 fixed the problem. I have removed the aperture library from spotlight’s privacy settings and have since open and closed aperture a few times and even restarted the computer. With all this, I have yet to see mdworker spike and to see the errors in console. Yay!

- Second… I think I figured out the role of spotlight in terms of aperture. I opened the keyword dialog one day and noticed the numbers on the right didn’t seem right. So I turned on spotlight, closed and reopened aperture… and voila… the keyword totals seemed more correct. However, at the time mdworker then went crazy and started popping errors up in console. (disclaimer: i didn’t do extensive testing)


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 24, 2012 - 2:29am


Interesting. I have my folder of Aperture libraries excluded from Spotlight, and as far as I know the numbers of keywords is accurate… but I’ve not dug into it.

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