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Aperture can't read my 1:1 from my Ricoh GR #1
David Bonde's picture
by David Bonde
February 19, 2014 - 9:32pm

Hi all, 

I bought a Ricoh GR this December. I can’t get Aperture to read the 1:1 ratio pics. It reads the 3:2 and 4:3 ratio pics fine, but with the 1:1 it says “unsupported imaged format”. 

Apertures does import all the meta data and camera specs. But it shows a black screen with the “unsupported imaged format” written across. 

When I look at the file info at pics taken with different ratio I can’t seem to see any difference other than with the “pixel size” it says: 2:3: 4928 × 3264 (16,1 MP) 4:3: 4352 × 3264 (14,2 MP) and 1:1: 900 × 600 (0,5 MP

When I look at the file size it says 2:3: 12,85 MB, 4:3: 12,83 MB and 1:1: 12,87 MB. So it seems like it does import the file, it just don’t show it.

Does anyone know why this is?

Thanks - David - from Denmark 

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