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Aperture import deletions #1
mich's picture
by mich
December 28, 2013 - 4:45am

I have found a problem with Aperture Importing which I can’t find a process to deal with.

When I import from my camera to a Aperture Referenced Library, often the camera disconnects (e.g. just bumping the USB cable) when it is part way through the import. I get a disk ejected message, but then the import continues.

When this happens it appears Aperture keeps the projects and photos it has imported, but doesn’t really import the original files to the hard disk/ and sometimes I see the originals get moved to the Aperture trash and then permanently deleted when the trash is emptied.. So some projects end up completely or partially missing references. They aren’t immediately obvious as they don’t show with a missing icon, so it is difficult to work out what has imported and what hasn’t. So if I import 10 projects, 5 might finish completely, 1 partially, and 2 import with no originals at all and 2 with a count of 0. 

Worse of all, if I reconnect the camera and restart the import again, Aperture doesn’t recognise that the photos haven’t actually been imported and nothing shows in the import. So I have to turn off “don’t import duplicates” and I end up with many duplicates which are created in all new projects and need to be merged and sorted one by one.

It’s driving me crazy and now I see all the photos that I thought I had, which have been lost over the last 6 months. I guess I can go through backups and search for each image by name to find any originals, or go through the trash which I haven’t emptied for a while, and which I am too scared to empty ever again.

Is there a way to at least save the jpeg preview images showing in Aperture where the originals have been lost forever?

thanks for any suggestions/help





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