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Aperture Library Migration Questions #1
Labrador's picture
by Labrador
June 19, 2012 - 7:41am

I planning on migrating my entire Aperture library. I have researched the forums on this site (including Live Training Session 020) and elsewhere, but am looking for some advice and guidance.

Currently my Aperture library consists of approximately 15k images stored in a single managed library on my old MacBook Pro. What I plan on transitioning to is a new MacBook Pro and Pegasus networked RAID drive. I would like to move the majority of my historical images into a Referenced library on the RAID; keeping the most recent 3 months of images in a Managed library on the MBP for editing. On an ongoing basis I would move another group of images and projects to the Referenced library every 3 months.

I am trying to figure out the least risky way to do all of this.
1) I am assuming I should move the to be Referenced images to the RAID first, and the transition the remaining Managed images to the new MacBook Pro?
2) It seems that the recommended way to move the historical files to Referenced on the RAID is to go project by project and ‘Relocate Masters’. Is this accurate? What am I missing, or are the possible pitfalls in this.
3) I will use Image Year/Month/Day for sub-folder format as recommended.
4) Once that is complete I assume I can simply relocate my Aperture library to the new MBP and work from there?
5) As I mentioned, I have one large library now, divided up by sub projects. Would I keep one library with some Referenced and some Managed files, or divide up into two libraries?
6) Any recommendations on which photo preview size to select in Preferences to take advantage of the new retina display on the MBP for the referenced files?
7) Is there anything else I should be aware of in switching over to the new MBP?

Let me know if any of this is unclear. Your guidance is much appreciated. I am doing time machine and vault backups before starting any of this!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 19, 2012 - 9:40am


Congrat’s on the new hardware and thanks for asking the questions in advance — much easier to guide than to fix ;-) I numbered your bullets so they are easier to respond to.

1) Yes. Connect your RAID to your current MacBook, Relocate Originals, then copy the Library with its remaining managed masters to your new computer. Connect the RAID to that and you may need to reconnect masters in Aperture, but that’s easy.

2) No need to go project by project. You can select multiple projects at once (shift-click) and then select all the thumbnails in the browser (be sure you’re viewing “all” and not jut “unrated or better”), or you could make a Smart Album that shows all images older than three months. That’s probably what I’d do, because then you have a Smart Album that you can select every few months and you will immediately see all older images.

3) good man

4) if by “relocate” you mean simply copy it over, then yes!

5) No point in confusing things by splitting the library. Aperture can have a mix of referenced and managed, no problem.

6) Hm, that’s tough. It depends on what you intend to do with them. I keep preview generation off and only create them as needed, then usually wipe them out afterwards. Read this article to understand the ins and outs of that process: “”

7) No, I think you’ve well covered it. Backup, relocate masters, move the library, reconnect masters, and you’re done!

enjoy :)

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Labrador's picture
by Labrador
June 19, 2012 - 11:03am

Thanks for the reply Joseph. I share my Aperture photos extensively via iTunes (Apple TV, iPhone, iPad), so I need previews turned on and will probably opt for a higher resolution. I should be saving alot of HD space by moving the majority of my images to the RAID, so I am willing to spend the local HD space on previews.

I’m sure I will be in touch with additional questions.

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