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Aperture Library workflow strategy #1
Rick Stuve's picture
by Rick Stuve
January 18, 2013 - 8:53am

I am sure this has been answered but I have tried to search and review as best I can and could not find it, so if it has already, I apologize.

I am using the naming nomenclature and structure for Libraries and projets suggested in video's and PDF by Joseph. My library has become big enough thanks to a new camera upgrade from my point and shoot, a M4/3 so I have created a new library for 2013 and started putting files into it.

Currently I keep my library on my mac's main hard drive, use Time machine to a Time capsule, use Super duper to create bootable backups to a USB drive and then have my Vaults on a drobo. (nothing offsite yet! but working on it.)

Ok so the question is I would like to re capture the space on the Mac Drive for the previous Library and the thought is to move it to the Drobo. BUT, at that point, I loose the backup on the Time Capsule eventually as well as the super duper backup because library will not longer be on the Mac's hard-drive. So I am downgrading from 3 copies of the library to 1 copy and a vault on the same device.

My thought is I need to have some sort of an external drive fast enough to run the Aperture library if I need to access it as well as keep the vault up on the drobo.

I don't know if I will be able to put this together $$ but I would like to get a new mac with thunderbolt and use a new drobo 5d for the workhorse files, the old drobo for back up and vaults, but again $$.

So I am looking for suggestions. I welcome your ideas.

Thank you

Semper Fi

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