So, is there a way within Aperture to make it so certain photos or albums are automatically updated to one of the online sites (e.g. MobileMe)? I understand that the images will be automatically updated if they are in the actual MobileMe album and synchronized, but I would like to be able to make an Album or perhaps smart Album that will automatically update if I put something in it.
Does that make sense?
Hmmmm…would there be any way to do it with something like Hazel or TextExpander or something like that? Even AppleScript or Automator. That seems like a pretty useful function to me.
Can you explain exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve? Since as I described above it already does pretty much what your’e describing, perhaps a more detailed explanation of what you want to do, and why, will help to find a solution.
-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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Makes sense, but no—the images that get automatically updated are only the ones in the MobileMe/flickr/etc albums themselves.
You can drag a new image into those albums though. You don’t have to start a whole new sharing session. And any existing photos that are changed will get updated online as well.
Honestly the system does behave as you’re asking—it’s just a different point of view. You want an album to automatically update when you add photos to it—and that’s precisely what the MobileMe/etc. albums do. It’s just that they are listed down under MobileMe/etc., not mixed in with your project structure, which is probably what you’re looking for.
-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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