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Bug in RAW Converter and ISO 50 (Canon 5D Mark III) ? #1
F M's picture
by F M
June 28, 2013 - 10:15pm

Hey Guys,
Just encounter a bug in the RAW converter 5d MKIII at ISO 50).
1st picture :
Just after the import in Aperture. This is the JPEG preview directly from the camera. I always import with preview ON.

2nd picture :
I disabled the preview and the picture is now overexposed. As you can see Some RAW options are missing.

3th picture :
In the Dev module inside LR 5, the photo exposition is fine

F M's picture
by F M
July 3, 2013 - 1:40am

Tx for the reply Joseph,

It happens with all the files shot with my 5d MK III @ ISO 50. I used this ISO for the first time last week for this particular shoot. I though it was a combination of a low ISO and a high contrast picture (white seamless) but I did an engagement session on saturday with the same type of contrast (BUT at ISO 100) and aperture processed them perfectly. So it seems that ISO 50 is the problem.

Also, even “quick preview” in MacOS gives me an overexposed image (same in iPhoto). So it is not Aperture directly but the RAW converter that is to blame. I tested the image on three different Mac (2009, 2013 and MB Pro Retina 2012) and the result is always the same.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 3, 2013 - 2:22am


I tested the file you sent and got the same result. I also noticed that this was shot sRAW (small RAW) and historically Apple has been slow to support that format. Can you verify if this is happening on shots at full RAW?

-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 2, 2013 - 12:04pm


I have not seen this before, but I also don’t have a 5D Mk III

Does this happen with ALL 5D Mk III images, or just some? Or is it limited to ISO 50 images?

I suggest you post a link to the image here (using a free Dropbox account is an easy way) and I’ll try it myself. If I see the same results, I’ll forward this on to Apple.

Please let me know via email when you’ve responded to this message. I can no longer monitor the traffic in the forum personally so unless I’m notified otherwise, I’ll never see it.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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•• Have you picked up your copy of the Nik Collection for just $126? This deal won’t last forever!

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