Has anyone found a way to change the order of the adjustments bricks? I'd like “highlights and shadows” to be over Curves, since I use that more often.
I just haven't found a way to drag them around yet.
Has anyone found a way to change the order of the adjustments bricks? I'd like “highlights and shadows” to be over Curves, since I use that more often.
I just haven't found a way to drag them around yet.
The bricks are in the order to which they are processed. I talked about this briefly in one of the recent Live Trainings — basically the software applies the adjustments in the order in which they are in the list (and you can’t change that). If you have adjustments 1, 2 and 3, and you change 2, Aperture goes back to the source, starting with the raw file, and processes it all the way through the chain again, giving you your new result.
It doesn’t really matter to you, the user, except that this has been designed for the best possible quality result.
You can always hide an adjustment you don’t use, or collapse one you rarely use, and that is “sticky”, meaning it will be that way until you change it, even as you load new images.
-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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Makes sense, Joseph. Now that you mention it, I think I remember you once said that in one of the live trainings.
I’ll try with the collapse/hide thing instead, see if there’s one I can do without :)
The adjustments always appear in the same order they are in the adjustment popup menu. Don’t know of a way to change the order.
Can’t we make our own Adjustments preset by choosing the bricks in the order we want them and then saving it as a preset?
A preset will only apply the adjustments. They will still appear in the same order.