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Dragging Images from IPhoto Browser #1
Eileen DiGiacomo's picture
by Eileen DiGiacomo
June 5, 2010 - 10:51pm

How do I drag images from the IPhoto Browser into a slideshow project in Aperture without adding that photo’s megabytes into the Aperture library? I only want Aperture to point to the pictures in IPhoto and not build a new library in Aperture. Is this possible? Hope this makes sense!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 15, 2010 - 10:35am


I’m not much of an iPhoto-to-Aperture user (it’s something I really need to learn more about so I can share that on here), but what I do know is that you can import an entire an entire iPhoto library into Aperture and choose to “store files: in their current location”, accomplishing what you want. However when you drag a single photo from the iPhoto browser into Aperture, as far as I can tell, it will always make a copy of it.

Anyone else know better?

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