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External Editor How To Save For Aperture #1
Katie S.'s picture
by Katie S.
May 26, 2014 - 1:23am

I am using PSE12 as an external editor.  I am new to this and have a question about saving it back to Aperture.  When I’m finished editing and click “save as”, I’m not sure what to do after that.  It wants to know “Save As”, “Where” and “Format”.  I know my edits are supposed to show in Aperture but I’m not seeing them so I’m sure I’m not saving it correctly.  I export it to PSE as an 8bit Tiff.


Katie S.

Jim Burgess's picture
by Jim Burgess
May 26, 2014 - 10:23pm

Katie…I’m pretty sure the process for PSE12 is the same as other external editors, so here goes:

When you choose “Edit with PSE12”, Aperture creates a new version and passes it along to PSE12. When you are finished editing, just close the image in PSE being sure to save it (not Save As). The edits you made will show up in the new TIF version in Aperture. 

 Here’s how the Aperture documentation explains it:

  1. Select an item in the Browser.

  2. Choose Photos > Edit with > [application name] (or press Command-Shift-O).

  3. Aperture creates a new master (leaving the original unchanged), converts it to the chosen file format, and then opens the file in the external editor. The file is tracked as a new master stacked with the original master.

  4. When you’ve finished modifying the image, audio, or video file in the external application, save the file.

The saved file is automatically updated in Aperture.

Katie S.'s picture
by Katie S.
May 30, 2014 - 1:03am


Thank you so much for helping me out.  My issue is that in PSE12, it’s only giving me the “Save As” option.  It won’t let me just “Save” it.  I’m wondering if it’s something in how my PSE Preferences is set up but I’m not able to find anything.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Katie S.

Jim Burgess's picture
by Jim Burgess
May 30, 2014 - 4:10pm

Well, apparently you’re not alone. Here’s a couple of items from a search for “pse12 save”:

The other thing you could try is to use the “save as” command and then overwrite the existing file when prompted.

Katie S.'s picture
by Katie S.
May 31, 2014 - 11:35pm



Not sure how but I think it’s working now.  Your links helped.  I had to reset all my preferences.  Close PSE12, then go to Preferences>Saving Files> (On first save)Save Over Current File.  So far it’s working.

Thanks again for the helping me out.

Katie S.

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