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F7 F8 and F9 #1
Matteo Favi's picture
by Matteo Favi
January 15, 2012 - 6:18am

Hi guys, today I'm writing to ask You if anybody knows how to solve that very annoying remap of the “iTunes keys” by Aperture 3.0. I can't stand to skip a picture while trying to skip a song!

Thanks a lot!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
January 15, 2012 - 1:26pm


Hm, that’s interesting. It appears that the keys F9 through F12 are “System Reserved”, [screenshot] but clearly F7 (back a song) and F8 (play/pause a song) are being used by Aperture when in Aperture, as well as F9. [For anyone not following, on the standard Mac keyboard, F7 is back, F8 is play/pause, and F9 is next, reserved for iTunes. Yet in Aperture, F7 (play) starts a slideshow, yet even if you aren’t in a slideshow, the next/fwd buttons will advance or go back a photo.

Sorry, but I couldn’t see a way to remap those. Curious indeed.

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