I was attempting to reorganize my Aperture library by year. When I created a new folder, it froze for a couple of minutes and then almost all of pictures are gone. I tried repair permissions and the other one. I also tried repair database. Now I have two “recovered project folders”, but the pictures don't show up. I have a time machine backup. What is the best way to proceed.
Well that was scary, but it seems to be ok. Thank goodness for the backup. I wonder what went wrong. Any ideas.
Now I’m freaked and am going to buy a time capsule and keep my old hard drive in a fire safe and back up once a month to that as well.
I take it that you have everything again. Thats good. Check out FAQ for maintenance procedures. You can’t have enough back ups. I have two vaults on two different HDs that I plugin a various time during the week depending on how busy Iam. All images are on a Drobo and I back up what ever I send a client on another HD. Time machine is every friday on its own HD Cheers
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ
I would also add that if you’re on any kind of decent “always on” internet connection that you don’t pay by the mb for - you owe it to yourself to get some kind of online backup service.
I settled on Backblaze which for allows unlimited space for $5.00 / mo - I have about 3TB data, (images & other), backed up online.
Andrew Mumford
Thank you.