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How many locations is my photo in? #1
Howard Jones's picture
by Howard Jones
November 26, 2014 - 6:26pm

Hi..  Is there a “smart” way to find all albums/projects in which a photo appears?  I seem to have developed a problem where I have given some photos a friendly title (version name), and yet those don’t appear to be synching with other “versions”.  I assume this means I´m naming a dupe?  i would assume that expected behaviour is that if I change meta-data on the image, regardless of its location, all other versions of that image that appear in other locations also change.  This doesn’t seem to be happening, which means I´m either dealing with identical copies (dupes) cos Im a bad organiser, or Im not understanding how changing meta-data works..

I wanted to double check by selecting an image and then finding out which locations it appears in so I can check whats going on.



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