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iPhoto Browser #1
Jake McKee's picture
by Jake McKee
November 6, 2012 - 10:19am

In the latest version of Aperture, I really do appreciate the new iPhoto/Aperture library alignment. But I really miss the iPhoto browser. I use iPhoto to manage my iPhone pics, whereas I use Aperture to manage my photography sessions. I take a lot of junk, “note images”, and other stuff that's just visual clutter, and I don't want it taking up room in my iPhoto library.

But at times I take photos on my iPhone that get imported into iPhoto that I want to move into Aperture one at a time. That used to be super easy. Now I have to:

* In Aperture, switch to iPhoto library
* Create an album
* Move the photo(s)
* Export to a new library
* Switch back to Aperture library
* Import library
* Move photos to the right project

Am I missing something? Is there a way to get the iPhoto browser back??

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 7, 2012 - 3:02am


Try iMedia Browser (I wrote about this ages ago, here). It may be able to see your iPhoto Library, although I haven’t looked at this software in ages so it may well be broken by now.

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