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iPhoto Events Creating a Mess in Aperture #1
Gary Smith's picture
by Gary Smith
July 24, 2010 - 2:16am

I imported all of my iPhoto photos into Aperture and along with the photos came all of the Events that I had in iPhoto that are a complete mess. I was wondering if there is a way to delete those Events without deleting the photos contained in them? Or consolidating events so that I do not have hundreds of meaningless folders in my “Projects and Albums” section in the Library. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

Bill Montgomery's picture
by Bill Montgomery
August 20, 2010 - 11:44pm

You’ve probably worked this out already, but I just went through the same thing. I’m new to Aperture (as of the end if July) and imported my 14K library from iPhoto to A3. As you described, the iPhoto Events came across as a real mess in A3. I really wanted to cleanse my pallet of all things iPhoto and reorganize these photos anew, along with thousands of others imported from other places.

So, after digging around I realized that the Events created in Aperture within an iPhoto Folder are just glorified query filters that help you efficiently select the imported photos that are now safely tucked away in the Aperture library. In other words, yes, you can delete the Events and even the entire iPhoto Folder in Aperture without deleting the images themselves. In fact, the A3 had already auto-split my imported iPhoto images into Projects by date.

I played around with the new file management system for a few days to get comfortable with it and then I zapped the iPhoto Folder and spent a few hours reorganizing the photos in A3 as you are unable to in iPhoto (i.e. merging some of the auto-split projects as needed, creating albums with projects to subcategorize, creating new Libraries, etc.). Actually, I’ve spent more than a few hours doing this, but the time was well spent.

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