Hi John, you might do the repair permissions and then the Repair database and see it that helps. hold option Command keys when starting Ap. Re build is usually saved for bigger problems but who knows it might work if the others didn’t. cheers dbm
Thanks. Good suggestions, David. I have had this problem for some time. Repair permissions every month or so and the database has been repaired too. Think that it might have something to do with my aborted half successful union of iPhoto and Aperture libraries.
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Hi John, you might do the repair permissions and then the Repair database and see it that helps. hold option Command keys when starting Ap. Re build is usually saved for bigger problems but who knows it might work if the others didn’t. cheers dbm
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ
Thanks. Good suggestions, David. I have had this problem for some time. Repair permissions every month or so and the database has been repaired too. Think that it might have something to do with my aborted half successful union of iPhoto and Aperture libraries.