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Lift and Stamp advice - selective stamp? #1
mike aiton's picture
by mike aiton
February 11, 2014 - 2:46pm

I have a series of pictures that I have cropped (Kid’s field hockey). I have made a set of adjustments to the first picture (sharpness and contrast etc) that I like and wish to apply to the other pictures, but if I do (and remove the original crop from the lift selection) the crop in the second picture gets over written as if I had never cropped it. There Are 400 shots so I do not wish to have to re-crop.them all.

So how can I selectively apply (stamp) changes to the other pictures whilst leaving the non altered adjustments alone - a selective stamp? Change only the contrast and sharpness (for example) but leave the crop alone.

Any help gratefully received




Mike Aiton

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
February 11, 2014 - 7:13pm

In the Lift and Stamp dialog box you can use the down arrow to see all adjustments and then delete the ones to apply.  There is also a check box for Append or Replace   Very powerful but can be confusing.  Cheers
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

mike aiton's picture
by mike aiton
February 11, 2014 - 7:23pm

Thank you - that really helps




Mike Aiton

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