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Magenta cast when round-tripping with CS6 #1
Kevin Miller's picture
by Kevin Miller
August 18, 2012 - 12:50pm

I would appreciate any advice on this one.

When I round-trip from Aperture (v3.3.2) to CS6, the preview of the new version that loads automatically into Aperture looks fine. (I am using Adobe 1998 as my default profile when going to and from CS6.) Then if I export that file and attach a Costco ICC profile, the preview comes out with a strong magenta cast.

If I export that file and attach the Adobe 1998 profile or the sRGB profile, the preview comes out fine.

I don't think it is just a Costco profile problem because if I take another the same image that is in Aperture (without round-tripping to CS6), and export with the Costco ICC profile, then the preview is fine.

This round-tripping problem occurs whether I use psd or tiff files in CS6.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
August 18, 2012 - 11:38pm

I can verify that the costco printer ii profile is screwed up when attaced by Aperture in the export Version dialog box is used. Oddly enough when I export with CMYK Swop Ver 2 it appears ok. I don’t have any Epson or canon profiles to test. Looks as though its getting double profiled some way, perhaps something with the print dialog box in connection with the export box. But that should be separate . If any one can verify Epson or can profiles that would be great. You would export an image with a epson canon print diver if you want to take the file to a friends house to print.

Email to notify something is a miss with profiles.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

Martin Kennedy's picture
by Martin Kennedy
September 5, 2012 - 11:44am

I’m having the same problem except I’m using an Epson SPR3000 Glossy profile. It looks perfect in Aperture then if I export it or even open it in PSCS6 a hideous magenta cast is introduced where all the highlights are filled with flat magenta. Even if I don’t save the file in PS, Aperture takes on the same properties on returning to the image. It even holds these properties if I go back to the source image. Anyone have any ideas about this?
Many thanks,

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
September 10, 2012 - 12:16pm


Unless you’re attaching a different color profile to the image on export, then this is a different topic. Please start a new conversation thread, thanks.


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