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New install of Aperture - most of my shared Photo Streams are empty #1
Amro's picture
by Amro
November 3, 2014 - 8:54pm

A very strange phenomenon. 

I reformatted my disc and reinstalled Yosemite and rather than copy from my CCC clone - or Time Machine backup - I thought I’d do a “virgin” install and downloaded Aperture from the Mac App Store. 

However - despite my the shared photo streams on iCloud working perfectly on my iPhone, iPad, and iMac - the ones on this Macbook are mostly empty.

I have tried “resting” the iCloud photos by removing the photos and restarting and then re-choosing it - several time. But nothing changes. 

Is there a way I can force it to sync my streams?

Thanks in advance. 

Bill Luczyk's picture
by Bill Luczyk
November 15, 2014 - 4:41pm

Hi Amro,

This is very similar to an issue that I just posted in a different thread.  Did you ever figure out how to get Aperture to sync with your shared photo streams?


Amro's picture
by Amro
November 16, 2014 - 1:18am

Hi Bill,

No, they just reappeared as if by (inconsistent) magic after a couple of days (and several attempts at resetting iCloud photo). No rhyme or reason.

I should have updated this question I guess, but I had no explanation.



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