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new slim imac 64gb ram? #1
stump4545's picture
by stump4545
December 1, 2012 - 1:40am

new slim macs specs are up to 32gb or ram.

any clue if they can handle 64gb of ram just like previous generation specs were 16gb but 32gb was ok.


Butch Miller's picture
by Butch Miller
December 1, 2012 - 5:40am

The specification bumps in the past were largely due to chip makers able to place more RAM on a single card … when the units were spec’ed out by Apple during the design phase, they went by what was available at the time … later, the chip makers were able to add more capacity to the cards … so it could be possible.

For the new 21.5” iMac, you are locked in to a max of 16GB that is not user upgradeable … the new 27” iMac has four user upgradeable slots … so if the after market RAM providers find a way to offer more RAM per card, it could be possible to go more than 32GB … time will tell …

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