Hi, I have two queries that I'd really appreciate some help with…
1) I have just tried to export some images and I've been informed that 'Versions with unavailable original files cannot be exported.' A search bought me to an article on this site which suggested selecting all photos and choosing File>Locate Referenced Files. When I did this I got the message 'No Referenced Files. The Selection doesn't have any referenced files.' So now I'm panicking, big time, as these are important photos.
I am able to export other photos in the library a JPEGS, just not that one particular album. But if I try and export any originals by right clicking on thumbnail and selecting 'original' nothing seems to be exported despite a message popping up saying that the file was exported.
Please help!
My second query regards RAW processing. Recently imports of photos where the ISO is bumped up are coming into Aperture looking ok and then as the file is processed it turns really red. I am shooting with a D800. This is totally ruining the pictures - any idea what is going wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
The no referenced files problem could be simple but also could be bad. Let’s hope for simple.
Do a database repair then rebuild if that doesn’t work. Check the FAQ for instructions on that.
Had those photos been used in other albums, books, or anything else that was recently deleted?
For the D800 issue, we are seeing more am d,ore reports of RAW processing problems with the current release, but I don’t have a D800 to try to verify your issue. There are several other D800 users here though so if you could post screenshots of the before and after, along with specifics such as ISO that this happens with that could be helpful.
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