I replaced a crashed hard drive in my iMac. I had a backup of the Aperture library. My old hard drive was named “Macintosh HD”. I named my new hard drive “New Macintosh HD”. This may have been a mistake. I used mostly referenced files in Aperture and now Aperture can’t locate my pictures. I have been choosing “Locate referenced files” and then reconnecting the file to Aperture. I can only get this to work one file at a time. I have a lot of files.
Does anyone know of a way I can reconnect more than one file at a time? I’d love to be able to reconnect whole directories at a time.
Thanks for your help.
Chris Gleason
Photographer | https://www.walterrowe.com | https://instagram.com/walter.rowe.photo
Thanks, Walt. The article helped me understand the “Locate Referenced Files” panel better. –Chris