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Organizing Folders in a Referenced File System #1
Spartacus Capua's picture
by Spartacus Capua
May 29, 2012 - 11:56am

I run Aperture 3 and used referenced file management. Currently, my general folder structure is -Sports->Baseball->(folders here by date + description of shoot).

That structure is the same in Aperture and the actual folders where the files reside (and I would like to keep it that way). Now as the folders grow, I want to insert a year folder after the sport. So the structure will now be - Sports -> Baseball-> Year -> (folders here by date + description of shoot)

Not sure how I can do this without screwing up the link between the referenced files in Aperture and the actual files.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 30, 2012 - 5:26am


in Aperture, you can just move files all you want and it doesn’t care — it won’t lose any reference to the files in the Finder. So if you want to add a year folder, just do it and move the files around in Aperture.

If you want to move the files in the Finder as well, you move the masters and as long as Aperture is running, it should track the move. Just create the same year folder, and move the pictures into it. And if Aperture does lose the reference, then you can easily reconnect using the Locate Referenced Files command.

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