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Please Suggest a better Workflow? #1
Claire's picture
by Claire
July 25, 2012 - 3:19am

Hi everyone,

I'm using 3.3.1.

Not a pro, just enjoy technology and have my own website and post to Facebook.

So currently I import into to aperture which is fine. I use the date file system now and have tagged all my photos. What I'm having issues with is that I often crop photos for Facebook and publish there. Then later, I want to use those same photos for my website, but want to do different edits to them. If I revert to original to start fresh, my Facebook photos end up reverting to original….which I may not want. Later on I may want to use the same photos to make a Calendar and again different edits.

So what am I missing? How can I organize things better? I suspect it has something to do with versions, but I'm not sure I understand how to use it. Should I be making a copy of the originals so further edits don't impact my Facebook galleries?

Another example of where my bad planning has impacted me. I had one of my fav pictures as my desktop on my Cinema display. Well I guess I cropped that same photo for use on my website, so the next time I fired up my display my desktop picture was also cropped (zoomed).


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 25, 2012 - 4:16am


Yep, it’s all about versions. Because of the live link between your Aperture library and Facebook galleries, as you alter photos in Aperture, those changes get pushed to Facebook. Likewise this allows comments on Facebook (and Faces tags) to be carried back to Aperture.

So yes, the solution is to create new versions. Just select the image and go Photos > Duplicate Version, then do the other work you’re doing there.

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Claire's picture
by Claire
July 25, 2012 - 5:44am

Ok…thank-you. Guess I will need a naming strategy to keep the versions straight. I’ll look into it more now that I know I’m heading the right direction.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 25, 2012 - 6:45am


Naming, or use keywords, or color labels, or also there’s a Photo Usage tab that shows where an image has been published.


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