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Post Webinar Observation #1
iHarley's picture
by iHarley
March 13, 2011 - 8:57am

First, enjoyed the tutorial. I think I had been overwhelmed with the number of options available when importing that I ignored them all, which probably explains my mess of a library.

So, one of the questions that were brought up was regarding labeling and starring photos, and you thought you couldn't see those options because you weren't using a media card. Well I'm not seeing that option either while using my media card, but I found it while editing my metadata presets.

2nd, and this is more of a educational thing. My Canon SX10is PowerShot has the option of recording audio notes to pictures, and come to think of it most of my past Canon cameras have too. So, not just for the top of the line DSLRs.

Thanks again!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 13, 2011 - 9:46am


aha, of course! I knew I was missing something… the pressure of needing to know it all ;-) hehe

You’re absolutely right, it’s in the metadata menu. So that’s where you’d add your colors or ratings on input.

Interesting on the audio notes! My Canon 5D Mk II, which even records video and has a microphone, doesn’t do it. But the 1Ds Mk III does. Crazy. Glad to know it’s on some other cameras though!

Thanks for attending, I hope you enjoyed it!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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