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Sequencing of edits/adjustments #1
gordonb's picture
by gordonb
October 26, 2014 - 5:56pm

I’ve been enjoying Joseph’s videos. It would seem there is a general order of adjustments to perform on a given photo, i.e.:
Step 1: Exposure
Step 2: Enhance
Step 3: White Balance
Step 4: Highlights & Shadows
Step 5: Levels
Step 6: Curves
As this may be a personal preference, Aperture creates its own sequence as you create the ‘default set’.
Is there a reason for this (Aperture sequence is best?), Is there a way to create your own sequence (top to bottom) so you can work your way down the list of adjustments.

Thanks in advance.

Flipkal's picture
by Flipkal
October 26, 2014 - 8:09pm

From what I’ve learned, Aperture’s adjustment bricks are meant to act at specific stages of the workflow. They are sequenced to optimize the image quality, and as a matter of convenience. That is why the noise reduction appears near the top. Applying noise reduction at a point, say, after you do a shadow adjustment, may introduce artifacts into the image. And certainly, an adjustment like vignette, you want to apply near the end, after cropping the image. Conveniently, it appears near the bottom, so you can crop to your heart’s content and not have to keep adjusting the vignette settings. 

BTW, curves, highlight/shadow, and levels do about the same thing, only in different ways. I’m not sure the sequence here is that critical. But, I like the default sequence that you see in Aperture, i.e. curves, highlight/shadows, and then levels.

Phil in Midland

gordonb's picture
by gordonb
October 26, 2014 - 10:11pm

I suspected as such, but wanted to confirm. Thanks!

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