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Tagging project names?? #1
Andrew Buglass's picture
by Andrew Buglass
January 2, 2014 - 11:52am

Happy new year all!

I’m going back through my library and editing many projects which I’ve not worked on for some time. I’d love to be able to mark somehow the projects which still need work, ideally by some sort of colour marker or similar.

I can do this at the individual image level, but have not been able to find a way to do this to a project. Using the labels and smart albums doesn’t work since I already have a workflow that relies on colours to show where I am with the workflow. What I need to do is to show somehow in the list of project names those projects which still need work

I could, of course, rename the projects needing work, then rename them again when done but am hoping there is more elegant, quicker way since this involves many, many projects

Thanks for any ideas!

All the best

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
January 2, 2014 - 7:17pm

You can create a smart album that includes only images with no adjustments. Then use Show in Project to go to that project and do some more work. You could also include a keyword like “undeveloped” in a preset that you apply during import and then remove later when you are done. Again a smart album would always find the images that are still “undeveloped”.

Andrew Buglass's picture
by Andrew Buglass
January 3, 2014 - 4:21pm

Walter, thanks - that’s a good idea. 

I appreciate your reply!
all the best


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