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Text box in Aperture photo #1
Grace Suarez's picture
by Grace Suarez
December 14, 2011 - 10:29am

Is there an easy-to-use plug-in to put text boxes into photos? I tried Border FX, but it's really hard to use.

Adam Andersen's picture
by Adam Andersen
December 15, 2011 - 4:49pm

Hi Grace,
You can actually achieve this without a plugin by making a custom book.
You could make one with just one page, and save that for later use. You would have to modify the width/height to fit different aspect ratios of pictures though.
There are advantages and disadvantages of this approach.
Compared to a plugin, there are two benefits:
1) It’s reversible, so you can come back and change the font and other stuff later on.
2) You don’t get a new master of your photo, thus preserving diskspace.

The disadvantage is that you don’t get the photo /w text in your ordinary albums anymore. A way around this would be to export the book as a pdf and reimport it as a picture into the project at hand. But then you loose the benefits 1) and 2).


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