I bought a MacBook Notebok and had the aperture program downloaded at Apple before it was shipped to me. I have the new iPad3 and want to transfer my aperture software to my iPad, as my daughter is taking over the MacBook . Is it possible to do that…I was told the licensing allows for one transfer for the original owner ( which I am)… and if I can do so..HOW do I do that? I have thousands of photos in my folders/projects and have them backed up on my Seagate external hard drive…I want to be able to continue using my Aperture software to work with/edit my pics. (For now all my photos and my Aperture program are still on my old laptop.)
Patt, sorry but there is no Aperture software for the iPad. We all hope there may be in the future, but it will have to be a completely new program as an iPad, as powerful as they may seem, is no match for Aperture.
There is a program for the iPad, iPhoto for iPad, which is pretty good for working pictures on the go. I use it mainly for creating Journals and adjusting my iPhone 4s photos, usually on their way to Facebook.
Thank you, Mark…I was afraid of that. I read up on IPhoto…it sounds good but reviews by users ,especially after the most recent update, on the new iPad, are pretty negative. So I’m hesitating. I was also looking into ‘Snapseed’…appears to be pretty decent. Thanks again!