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Trash ref'd TIFFs, but not ref'd RAWs? #1
Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
July 2, 2010 - 6:59am

Over a few weeks, I’ve ‘trashed’ a variety of folders, projects, and versions.

Now, I’m set to empty the Aperture Trash.

It tells me: “15 versions will be deleted. You cannot undo this action.”, and gives me this option: “Move referenced files to System Trash”.

So I cancel, and Select All > Locate Referenced Files, which shows various TIFFs and CR2s (RAW masters).

From the wording, even though there are only TIFFs and versions-from-RAW-masters in the Trash, by selecting “Move referenced files to System Trash”, it appears that in order to Trash the TIFFs I also have to Trash the RAWs – I only want to get rid of the TIFFs and the versions.

Also, I don’t want to Put Back any of them as they are scattered across 16,000 RAWs, and I can’t remember where, when, or why they were deleted in the first place.

So, how do I permanently trash the referenced TIFFS without trashing the referenced RAWs?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 10, 2010 - 6:27am


Well the good news here is that when you empty the Aperture trash, notice that it’s asking to “move referenced files to the SYSTEM trash”, meaning they will be in the system trash and NOT yet actually deleted. So you get a second chance there.

Check my post Deleting Photos in Aperture 3 (First, Second, Third Time’s the Charm) for more on the deletion process if you haven’t already.

If you only trashed a version of a file, but left the actual original in the Project it came from, then that file (and the corresponding CR2) should be left in place.

However you’re clearly concerned that some master files are being deleted that you don’t want to be deleted. What I’d suggest is that you search the Aperture trash for files who’s master filename contains CR2, note the file name, and search your active library for those names. See if they show up there as well, that may help you recall if you really wanted to delete it or not.

You may have inadvertently deleted both the original AND the version when you deleted the file. That’s about all I can think of as to how you may have files there you don’t want to be there.

You mentioned not wanting to put back files as you don’t recall where they came from, however if you find ones that you’re just not sure about, it’s really easy to do—just right-click on the file and choose the Put Back command and they’ll get sent back to their previous location without you having to figure out where they go. If you want, you could note the file name, put it back, then search for it… and see where it went.

Hope that helps,
-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
July 20, 2010 - 1:39am


I discovered that Aperture Trash still allows the application of Keywords, so I created one called “Trash?”, and applied it to the files for which I had doubts (and put them back into the Library).

However, even though I did not check the box to also move referenced files to the System Trash, it moved some (but not all, and only TIFFs) there anyway.

So, when emptying the Aperture Trash, your advice to check the System Trash is wise.


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