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using multiple libraries #1
Jerry Shankin's picture
by Jerry Shankin
October 4, 2013 - 10:42am

Because of the size of my Aperture libraries, and for the sake of convenience, I've chosen to have 3 separate libraries in Aperture. However, I just went to sync photos onto my iPad and noticed that iTunes will only show the most recently opened library. So I'm wondering if
A) Can I get iTunes to show all 3 libraries, or
B) if not, can you tell me how to merge all 3 libraries together again in Aperture?

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
October 5, 2013 - 3:32am

A) iTunes will only ever show the most recently opened Library.
B) Open the Library you want as your Master Library, then choose File > Import > Library and select the other two libraries, one at a time.

Each library import will probably take a while. Don’t get alarmed. Just let it run. It does finally complete.

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