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ATOMOS + ProRes RAW + BGH1 + SIRUI Anamorphic + Adobe Premiere MASSIVE Workflow!
Photo Moment - October 30, 2021
This is a massive workflow video, sponsored by ATOMOS to show off the integration of ProRes RAW, ATOMOS Ninja V, and Adobe Premiere. A short version of this video was made for Adobe MAX 2021; this is the long form, much more details version!
Products Mentioned
- SIRUI Anamorphic MARS Lenses
- ATOMOS Ninja V
- Angelbird AtomX SSD
- ATOMOS AtomX Sync
- Zoom F6 Field Recorder
- Zoom F2-BT Lavalier Recorder
- iPhone Moment Anamorphic Lens
- iOS Mavis Filmmaking App
- Blackmagic UltraStudio 3G Monitor
- ATOMOS NEON 17” Reference Monitor
- Adobe Premiere Pro
Panasonic LUT
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pretty cool, thanks mr teacher
NOW that's some video! Subscribed!
Great workflow. Too bad atomos x sync has been discontinued. :(
Yeah… news to me. The rest of the system is in place and the new Connect setup has it, but definitely a shame to see that component go away.
Hello friend I am camera man Abraham from India 😊
Dear Joseph, thank you for sharing all these useful information. I however have been thinking about how to change raw settings over sdi while recording RAW via HDMI. As we all know the overlays are not displayed via the HDMI in raw mode. My question then is, can you add the SDI module to the Ninja V and output SDI to it while outputting and recording with HDMI? Will that work?
Great thinking — I have tried that. It sort-of works but the switch between RAW and non RAW is messy. That said, I think some updates have been made both to camera and Ninja since this was made, making this process easier. I haven't shot RAW in a while so I don't know for sure, but make sure your cameras and Ninja's all have the latest firmware. I think there's a way to basically temporarily disable RAW just to bring up the menu, but I'm not 100%.
Very good video Joseph! I have one question. Do you still have to control the camera settings via the phone or via the computer if you want to shoot with the Ninja V in prores raw? Or has this been fixed in the meantime with an update? Or are there other ways to control the camera more easily. I mean when you are on a shoot with this camera and always change the settings via the phone instead of via the monitor is very annoying, right?
Looks like you can't control the camera with the nininj. I suggest getting the portkeys monitor, you can control the camera with that monitor.
Great video with massive knowledge for me. It really impressive and a like and a sub for you.
I just want to say
Thank you Joseph… Thank you for sharing your knowledge of all the equipment that you showed that helped me in making decisions on what to purchase for my zoom calls and fb live
Thank you Joseph… Thank you for sharing your knowledge of all the equipment that you showed that helped me in making decisions on what to purchase for my zoom calls and fb live
Awesome, so glad my videos helped!
Hi can you show us in Davinci Resolve???
@@photojoseph thank you very much ... i'm thinking about it! It's just a hobby. I'll try a little myself.
happy New Year.
happy New Year.
@@schnellkannjeder hm ok. This is not something I can help with over youtube comments. If you join the channel as a member you will have access to a private Discord server which could be a good place to ask questions, and of course you’ll be helping support the channel. I’d be happy to try to help there. Details at https://YouTube.com/PhotoJoseph/join — or if it’s mission critical, book an hour with me at PhotoJoseph.com/1to1
@@photojoseph OK! My problem is that the timecode workflow doesn't work for me and I don't know why.
Atomos Ninja with AtomX Sync, Ultrasyn Blue with Iphone (Mavis) Zoom F6 and 2 Zoom F2Bt.
Video works but I can't get the audio ???
Atomos Ninja with AtomX Sync, Ultrasyn Blue with Iphone (Mavis) Zoom F6 and 2 Zoom F2Bt.
Video works but I can't get the audio ???
As I have now switched to Resolve, you can expect more content with Resolve in it. However I’m unlikely to do Resolve tutorials as there is SO MUCH good content out there already. The Resolve workflow would be quite similar though to what you saw here.
Wow. Great video to get into video production. Timecode makes it more convenient.
This was fascinating and super helpful. I've been wondering about timecode and how to set it up for a while between my F6, cameras, and ninja 5, and you explained it perfectly. I'll be picking up the Atomos Sync + UltraSync Blue bundle to get everything timesync'd. Thanks!!!
@@photojoseph I'll look into them, thanks much. Keep up the awesome work. 🙌
@@BretSnyderMusic motorized slider that goes back and forth would do it!
@@photojoseph Hey, thanks for the reply. I have a question you might be able to help me with. I make guitar videos on my channel and am looking for more interesting ways to shoot myself playing. I'm thinking of creating a tight shot where the camera runs down the fretboard and follows my fingers as I'm playing a lick down the neck. Any ideas on how to pull something like that off without a camera operator? A slider maybe? I don't know much about them, but would it be practical to set that up by myself or am I dreaming?
Awesome Bret, thanks for watching!
This is extremely informative, and very helpful in terms of whether to go with the Ninja or Black Magic Assist. A quick question about adjusting white balance at 22:26. Is there a way to adjust white balance in Premiere using the raw metadata rather than using Lumetri’s color controls? Thanks! And btw super cool film scene at the end!
@@photojoseph Thanks for that information! Good to know. The Ninja still seems like a great tool, and I would imagine this will be added to premiere soon enough
Thank you! Unfortunately, no… as of right now, Premiere’s ProRes RAW support is lacking. But they are working on it. It even took FCP a few iterations of ProRes RAW support to get WB control! If you shoot Blackmagic RAW for Resolve then I’m quite sure you have WB as well as ISO adjustment. There are plenty of videos comparing the two formats if that’s something you’re considering.
Wow! You have no Idea how much you just Helped me with this Video.
I really! Appreciate you from the depth of my heart ❤, Thank you sir.
I really! Appreciate you from the depth of my heart ❤, Thank you sir.
Wow, thanks! That’s a wonderful complement, thank you.
fucking wow. Thank you for doing this.
Wow! Thank you and you’re welcome!
May I please ask a favor, need some help from an expert. I have the Sirui 50mm 2.8 full frame, which has a 1.6 squeeze factor. In Premiere, the only pixel aspect ratios to conform to are the ones we are all used to…0.9, 1.0, 1.33, 2.0, etc. So, do you know how to go into Premiere and make 1.6 a preset like all the others? Adobe help couldn’t understand my question, they thought I was asking how to reframe and kept telling me to punch in using effects controls then said the 2022 version didn’t have the option to interpret footage under modify or confirm to in the export. I would really appreciate any guidance, thank you!
@@photojoseph thank you very much, I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I’ll stay on them.
oh, crap… yeah you're right, there's no 1.6 option. What this means is you'll need to manually distort the footage — stretch it 160% horizontally, or squish it vertically. I explore those kinds of options in the SIRUI video https://youtu.be/jLvhw8eMAxw for Final Cut, because FCP doesn't even have as many options as Premiere — it only has a 2x option! So, I feel your pain. Keep pushing Adobe on it. Post on forums, and ask on social media. Include a screen shot of the current options and yell that 1.6 needs to be added, or even better, a custom option needs to be added!
take the Z9 Nikon remove Atomos and BGH1 ^^ et voila.
@@fabmartel oh wow that’s impressive!
@@photojoseph ah and it is full frame sensor captor 🙂
@@photojoseph yes ProRes RAW 422 , record internal and up definition 8K (4K 120p)
I mean, there's no ProRes RAW if you do that, but sure!
Nice video! though could you please share how you got an Ultra Studio monitor to work on an M1 MacBook ? can't make any work on them on my side. Thank you! ( also I never could figure out how to jam sync timecode to the shogun7 from the ultrasonic one from your previous video )
Desktop Video 12.2 is M1 native for Premiere. As to timecode; I don’t recall there being anything more than just plugging it in. Could you find the time stamp on that video where it doesn’t do for you what it does for me (and respond on THAT video) and I’ll see if I can help.
Thank you for a great video!!!! You just earned a new subscriber. Loved the "geeky" approach to all the equipment used. I did notice the sound was a little off, at the beginning changing with the camera views (specially the overhead camera) and then odd fluctuations that made it a little hard to watch the video till the end. In any case, thank you once again for such a great video!
Glad you enjoyed. I definitely had audio issues again for the second half, sorry.
A dollar a month is more then fair.
Quick question... are you planning on creating a course, for purchase of course, on the Bgh1?
If not please think about it my friend. If so, please post link and I'll sign up tonight. There isn't a lot of help for all this camera can do. I know you do a bunch and thank you for that. I'm looking for something like you've done for the GH5.
Quick question... are you planning on creating a course, for purchase of course, on the Bgh1?
If not please think about it my friend. If so, please post link and I'll sign up tonight. There isn't a lot of help for all this camera can do. I know you do a bunch and thank you for that. I'm looking for something like you've done for the GH5.
Thanks Samein, I appreciate that. No plans to do a full training sorry. Scale of economics don’t work; I’d have to sell it for $1,000 to make any money. It’s months of work and there just aren’t that many BGH1 users. However I have done a handful of videos on it for Panasonic that are free on their channel. Have you seen those?
This is really cool! Thanks for all the info! Would be cool to see an in-depth video about the new update recording Braw to the Video Assist 12g.
@@photojoseph it would be great to see a video with the assist und resolve.
There’s not much to say… it works! 😁 To be honest the only reasons I haven’t done a video on it is that I’m not a Resolve editor and don’t have the BlackMagic recorder. But I should probably do one anyway!
Powerful stuff. Very professionally presented.
Excellent and concise run through!👏🏾🙏🏾
I appreciate that! Glad you enjoyed it Eugene.
Thank you for your advice your videos are awesome. Do you have a video that shows how you do your videos?
Sort of… I did just release a video showing the cameras and talking about their setup. It's not a full "how I do my videos" video, although that could be interesting! Here's the camera one… https://youtu.be/kogI5PDH0VY
damn thank you this helped me so much
Could you do something on monitors ? We have a capture, now we spend most of our time infront of a monitor !
@@photojoseph Have a good time !
@@lamasteve6905 LOL I can’t stand those monitors because they are low resolution. I use an XDR display because I do HDR work.
@@photojoseph Your choice, go wild ! How about that 72' Pano ? $k I believe !
What kind of monitors… do you mean standard computer monitors, or broadcast-grade reference monitors, or HDR monitors, or capture monitors, or… ?? hehe so many choices!
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