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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

This is a collection of all PhotoJoseph LIVE shows, from the PhotoJoseph YouTube channel. Additional episodes are listed below!

Crop for Instagram, from Your Smartphone!

Photo Moment - July 05, 2019

How about double and triple wide swipe-able images? 

Another really cool thing you can do for Instagram, using this same technique, is make a double and even triple-wide image, where viewers have to swipe through to see the entire photo. You've undoubtedly seen this before in Instagram, and there are probably apps dedicated to doing this, but by doing it in Photoshop Mix you're taking complete control of the process.

Get your photo into Photoshop Mix as previously outlined, and if you're sending from Lightroom, you'll definitely want to open the maximum resolution file. You'll need those pixels.

When it comes time to change your canvas size, for a two-tile image, make the canvas double-wide (2160×1350), and for a three-tile image, make it triple-wide (3240×1350). Once you've changed your canvas size, reposition the photo as you like, such as below. The fact that there is data hanging off the edges in the screenshot on the right is going to be a problem — I'm skipping the easy path because this way you'll know how to handle any situation! (The video above starts with the easy path then works its way through).

The next step is to change the canvas size to the optimized Instagram size of 1080×1350 and reposition the photo to export the left and right sides individually, but the problem we're facing now is that since the image above isn't snapping into the corners (see the red circles?), then there's absolutely no way to align the left and right sides. These have to be perfect or they won't line up in Instagram. If the image snapped perfectly into the left and right corners then this would be easy. But they don't, so we need to add a step.

Here's what we do to get to a point where we can save the left and right sides correctly.

  1. Start by aligning the image however you want it on the double- or triple-wide canvas, as outlined above.
  2. Save (Share to Camera Roll) the image. This will create a new file that is ONLY the data you see in the canvas. So it will trim the excess, and create a file at the exact size of the canvas. By the way, this is a PNG file, so you lose no quality doing this.
  3. Exit out of the workspace in Photoshop Mix by tapping the back arrow at the top left, bringing you back to the My Projects gallery, then tap the + to create a new project. 
  4. Select the photo you just exported in step 2. This creates a new canvas at the same size and places the image into it.
  5. Resize the canvas (crop button) to the Instagram-needed size of 1080×1350.
  6. Drag the image to one side, ensuring that it snaps to the corner, and save that to the Camera Roll.
  7. Repeat that with the other side. See below for the final settings, showing the left and right side, ready for export.

Now, off to Instagram!

  1. Select the left side image, and tap the zoom arrow to fill the screen with the vertical image
  2. Tap the multi-select icon, then choose the second image
  3. Tap Next, which will show you an editing preview, where you'll also see a gap between your photos. Don't worry, that gap is only visible here. Tap Next again.

Now you're ready to preview the actual post, as your audience will see it. Tap the icon as in the animation below, then swipe to ensure that there's no visible seam. If you do see a seam, then that means either the images didn't snap to the corner when exporting the left and right sides, or that the canvas wasn't set to the precise 1080×1350 size (I've made both mistakes, so… 😬)

To make a triple-wide image, do the exact same thing as above, but of course start with a triple wide canvas of 3240×1350. Save that full size image, and re-open it in Mix. Then when you resize the canvas again to the necessary 1080×1350 size, don't touch the image. It will have zoomed perfectly into the middle of the image, so you immediately export that portion first. Then pan it to the left and export, and to the right and export. When you “reassemble” the image in Instagram, just be sure to select them in the correct order, from left to right.

Go vertical!

You could even take a tall image instead of a wide one, and rotate it 90˚ then build a two- or three-wide tile, so the viewer has to rotate the phone. It's a fun way to view an image! Here's a post I did like that:


A post shared by PhotoJoseph (@photojoseph) on


That's it for this post… it was a long one! If you haven't watched the video yet, scroll up to see that. Below is the full LIVE show (which was really fun because I shot this as a behind the scenes of filming the show for editing… it was kinda meta!) along with the Q&A afterwards. Be sure to check out Sean's video as well, also below. 

Thanks for reading and watching!

Today's Q&A and Unedited Live Show

See what you missed in the full, unedited LIVE show, including an entire “behind the scenes” pre-show! (This starts with the Q&A; back up if you want to see the whole live show)


Other Videos Mentioned


Hi there what is another name for adope photoshop mix? Photoshop express perhaps? It seem impossible to find.
I think they retired the app 😢
It's not working on Android
This is quite old now and apps may have changed, sorry
Hi Joseph, I just came across your video and I see that Photoshop mix is no longer. Could I kindly ask if there is another free app you could recommend?
I haven’t looked for something new but by now there’s probably custom apps for doing this
There is no CUSTOM option on the Android Version I'm trying right now. Also it's WAY easier to just do it on the Desktop!
Sure. But this video wasn’t about doing it on desktop.
I can’t find the photoshop mix, did they get rid of it?
very helpful, thanks a bunch!
Subscribed! Awesome thank you!
They removed photoshop mix from the app store do you another app you can show us?
Having this same issue
Hi I saw that you are a lumix ambassador do you have videos about lumix cams?
Did you check the channel? Lots of videos…
Wonderful job delivering just the needed information without a bunch of fluff. Thank you
You look like a white common
I don't know what that is, so I don't know if that's a complement or an insult.
It seems that the app "Photoshop Mix" is no longer available for the Italian App Store! :(
I just found this video, holy cow what a godsend. I've been doing it the hard way all this time. Thanks so much Joseph!
Right on!!
Brilliant explanation!
Hi Joseph. Amazing video, thanks for your tips. One question, I am using iPhone 11 pro and have followed all of your steps, but when posted, my images appear with a black background instead of being transparent. Any tips?
Are you in dark mode?
omg thank you for going into details😭
Just drop an load an app ffs
Instagram is a stupid platform. I should be able to EASILY make a slideshow of landscape shots.
This is exactly what I needed!! I had to search thru 10 diff videos before I found this one that fits the bill<3 thank ya!!
Glad you found it!
This tutorial is great, however, the transparency showed up as black lines for me on instagram. Is there a way to fix that?
Thanks! Is the same doing this in Photoshop mix and Photoshop on the laptop? When you crop images with Photoshop mix then you save on you phone, maybe it change the resolution of the photo? and takes poor quality?
Why am I not seeing the custom option?
I'm having the same problem, I cannot use the custom crop size
The version of PhotoS Mix i have been using, doesn't seem to have the option to set custom canvas size while cropping. Could you confirm the version of Mix you were using while making this video? Thanks a lot for making this video. Things got easier.
Have you found a solution?
When i post a landscape photo using the steps, it got posted with the white border. Is there any way to remove the white border?

Also i am using the dark theme on instagram which makes it unpleasant.
My friend with this you have earned a sub! Thank you
if you're an android user - don't bother. The photoshop mix app doesn't even allow for custom measure on h + w.
@@GXOR_LA photoshop express
Have you found another solution?
What a brilliant tutorial. I have seen some posts like this on instagram and wondered how they were done. After watching this tutorial I have successfully posted my first 2 swipe-able landscape with a full landscape after. Perfect.
Everything I can tell you is in this video. Just watch it again, please.
how do you add the full landscape photo after? whenever I want to add the final landscape photo, Instagram shows a zoomed in version please
Hey, thanks for the video. This is crazy because I have literally looked high and low for this exact video showing how to upload a full size photo without compromising it by cutting it off. I have searched sites, apps, YouTube, everything.The exact thing u described is what I have been looking for. I have literally downloaded every photo editing app that u can possibly imagine. (No joke) And, for legit months now I have been researching this and, I can’t seem to get anywhere. Some of the apps offer preset aspect ratios which still cuts my photo off. And, even when you can enter it manually it still gets cut off. With my frustrating research I have came to the conclusion that u need the 1080x1350px in order to get that maximum real estate space like u mentioned in the video. And after MONTHS of trying to figure this out, I thought I finally found the answer with this video. However, I’m still confused. I tried following ur video exactly. I must have watched it like 100 times lol🙈. First, you said it’s easier to just upload from Lightroom because u already have all ur photos managed in there. But, does it matter if u upload from the regular camera roll? Does that still give u the maximum resolution or is it better coming from Lightroom? I know I must sound stupid asking this. I’m clearly a newbie. To be on the safe side, I tried uploading both from camera roll and the Lightroom app. But, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong😫. Maybe it’s because the photos I am trying to resize to be able to upload to IG for that full size photo are coming from Snapchat? What comes up before I resize on the photos is.....902px wide by 1792 tall? Idk what I’m doing wrong. I still cant seem to not have my photo chopped off. I’m literally so desperate at this point. It’s SOOOO frustrating not being able to figure this out. If you could help me, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Like u have no idea how grateful I would be. I have spent countless hours trying to do this yet, I just keep slamming my head against the wall. Please help me🙏🏻 if I could email u to show u screenshots of what I mean that would probably be easier but, I don’t know ur email.😐 Sorry for this extensive message in ur comments. I just don’t know what else to do and this video is literally the only one that I have found that talks about what I am aiming for. I don’t want to just have those white borders and have it look like that in my thumbnails. Which is exactly what u said. Anyways, hoping and praying u get back to me soon🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hey there I can’t walk through this with you here on youtube; too complicated. I don’t know offhand what you’re doing wrong; all I can say is to follow my steps exactly and it works. Usually when people tell me something doesn’t work, it’s because they are skipping a step or ignoring something I’ve said. I’m available to hire for 1:1 help but I doubt you want to do that for this. Just go step by step again, sorry. And if it’s worth it to you —
When I pinched the screen to zoom out on the picture to fit that aspect ratio I entered, it wouldn’t zoom out like yours did in the video. The photo was basically zoomed in, which didn’t allow me to fit the whole picture in there which isnt what I’m aiming for? Plz help🙏🏻
you should mention before the video starts that you’re using an app you pay for... MONTHLY
it's free man. ios and android versions are different. You'll find the same in applestore. apparently android and ios free versions are different.
Light is very nice!
You look like a ginger version of Ming... Ming from flash gordon...
This is hands-down one of the best and clearest tutorial I’ve ever watched on YouTube! Incredible video, mate. You answered all my questions on this topic, and this is a rare thing with tutorials. Thanks for making this and for doing it so properly! 💥
Wow very cool to hear, thank you!
Is there a free alternative to photoshop mix for the transition landscape pictures? Just a free app to scale it for double the resolution
So helpful out of all the videos I’ve e watched!
nice, thanks!
I’m not getting the white bars? There showing up black?
i had the exact same problem!
@@photojoseph At 12.31, when you export that full-size image - I guess Fred is having the same problem as I just commented about 5 mins ago... All backgrounds are white during the posting procedure, but the final post (uploaded), shows the full-size image with a black background - and that looks awful (and I'm not I Dark Mode in IG)
weird. I wonder if something changed in IG; I haven't been posting lately. Where exactly are you seeing the black bars instead of white? Give me a time stamp of my video so I know we're talking about the same thing and I'll check it out.
PhotoJoseph tried on both light and dark mode and it still gives me black bars, only way I’ve been able to get white bars is by putting a full white layer behind the image PS
are you in dark mode on your phone and it's previewing in black?
Why’s this guy trying so hard to seem younger lol
but I'm only 21…
So u can't just do it in the Instagram app?!?!??!
what a stuuupid app! Fantastic video btw.... u won't believe how hard i'm struggling to just find how to change a photo's size, so i can fit my landscape (screen-shot for YT vids in my case) image onto Instagram! It's ridiculous! 👍 'd ur vid
#OldManPaxus Rating: ★★★ ½
Is android that different from iphone? I can't "open in" to go directly to photoshop mix nor do I have the option to do a custom crop.
Is there any other app having same features for android phones
Same here
Others have said that in the comments. Apparently android doesn’t have as many features 😢
Thanks for the video, Joseph! Great content!
Hi, If you're into android, check out this app called Panoslice, solves this pretty much
Thank you! It's a soild tutorial. I really love this tutorial and was so excited following it then I found out that the android version of Photoshop Mix does NOT have custom canvas size option. T.T I would really love to know if there's any app that does for android.
@@photojoseph Yes Snapseed has been my main editor for a couple of years and I don't think it has it. I guess I'll stick to PS Express for now for it gets the job done somehow. :)
Thanks for the complement, and yeah I know what you mean… it’s odd that it’s not a common feature!! Have you tried Snapseed?
@@photojoseph I never thought "resizing canvas size via typing in numbers" would be so rare. :)
@@photojoseph Sadly Photoshop Mix Android hasn't been updated since 2017. I tried 10ish apps but so far it seems only PS Express has a similar feature(not as fluid as you showed on the vid though). Oh by the way I really like your channel. You got it solid like a rock! Always appreciate it!
No, really?! I’ll look into that but before I do, can you tell me what versions of android and Photoshop Mix you’re on? Thanks. And how bizarre!
Nicely explained Sir 👌👍
Thanks 🙏🏻!
Thats neat
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