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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

This is a collection of all PhotoJoseph LIVE shows, from the PhotoJoseph YouTube channel. Additional episodes are listed below!

GH5S Low Light Part 3 ► WTF with V-Log footage on ATOMOS Ninja Inferno?

Photo Moment - February 23, 2018

In part 3, we see the problem I've run into with the Atomos Ninja Inferno and the V-Log footage on an HDR timeline. Do YOU know what's wrong?!

Products Mentioned In Today's Photo Moment

Fotga Variable ND Filters — Get Yours Here

Pixco Lens Adapters — Get Yours Here

Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S — Get Yours Here

Atomos Ninja Inferno — Get Yours Here

Panasonic LUMIX Leica Nocticron 42.5mm f/1.2 — Get Yours Here

Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 25mm f/0.95 Lens — Get Yours Here

Panasonic LUMIX Leica 15mm f/1.7 — Get Yours Here

Videos Mentioned In Today's Photo Moment



Most Gh5 users don't edit on FC pro, I edit in Vegas pro 17.. Is there any info that will allow us to use all of this complex stuff on Vegas (in my case)? or other NLE for the rest of us please?
What I can't figure out is, the imported v-Log clips still say rec709 in the inspector. I'm having the same issues with a Ninja Inferno. Also, for the life of me, I cannot get the waveform to show hdr, it's locked at rec709, even with a wide gamut library and project. And agreed that the ninja footage looks almost like it baked in some kind of v-log lut internally. The footage is not nearly as flat as internal.
Have You found a solution?
Hello Joseph, I wonder if is possible to film 120 fps and keeping 4K with the atmos inferno?
Did you ever figure out this issue? Is the conversion LUT a Rec 709 LUT? Maybe it's not meant to be utilized in a HDR color space. Also, you could grade without the conversion LUT and just expand your contrast, saturation and color manually. Anyway, I enjoyed this mini series. I just recently picked up a GH5s and am scouring the Tubes for helpful content
OMG. LUTs are not made for Colorgrading! On Youtube are so much people thinking they are PROS, because they make youtube video! LUTs are made for DemoView on Filmset. How to Colorgrading LOG? Convert the Gamut and Gamma! FPX Amateur Software can not! Use Davinci! Make real Color management! LUTs are SHIT and only for hobbie!
Has this been fixed with the new Firmware?
Do you still recommend the Inferno, or should I wait for the new NinjaV? I am using Premiere.
Which custom lut you use? The official of Panasonic website?
I have a similar problem when I shoot in 3840 x 2160 V-Log at 59.94 fps with my GH5 and record with my Ninja Inferno in ProRes422HQ. The Rec 709 version is fine color correcting in FCPX 10.4. When I change the library and project to wide gamut Rec 2020 PQ, the highlights are cut off on the waveform monitor at about 60 nits though the shadows are not cut off.
I would say its an FCPx problem. I have tried using the inbuilt LUTS with my (now sold) canon C100. Basically the same result you are getting. If you use a custom Lut then its OK. This suggests its the inbuilt LUTS
I have not had this issue with Atomos. I've shot on my GH5s in vlog with my Ninja Inferno with no issues like this. I also shoot in 24fps. Maybe your problem is related to shooting in 59.94? I don't know. But, I've never had clamping shadow issues using the GH5 or GH5s with my Ninja Inferno. I have not heard any issues from anyone else who has shot vlog with the GH5 and Inferno. You can search YouTube and find tons of videos of people shooting with the GH5s with no mention of the issue you're having. I hope you solve it.
With Davinci Resolve that would not have happened ;-)
You should post the Inferno footage for others to test in Resolve and/or PP. If they don't see the same truncation of black info then issue is most likely in FCP. If they observe the same issue, then it's probably somewhere between the GH5s and Inferno. Also, could it be the LUT you are using?
The Atomos Inferno can only display HDR if it’s hooked on an HDMI 2.0a compatible video card I presume
Just a guess: It looked like your project was set to ProRes 422 vs ProRes 422 HQ ... I think HQ adds in 10bit color.
In part 3, we see the problem I've run into with the Atomos Ninja Inferno and the V-Log footage on an HDR timeline. Do YOU know what's wrong?!
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