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A Change in Format

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 17, 2010 - 9:45am

Lately I’ve found that I’m spending more time responding to questions in the forums than I am to writing posts in “Tips & Tricks”—which in itself is fine, except that unless you’re digging through the forums (which I’d imagine you’re not unless you posted a question there), it looks largely like I’m ignoring the site—which isn’t good!

So from now on whenever a question in the forums merits a long detailed answer, I’m going to respond to the question here as a “Tip”, and will post a link to the tip as the forum’s response. That should increase activity on the front page exponentially, and benefit more people than those just digging through the forums. Quick and easy answers will still get responded to directly in the forums though, so don’t feel that unless it’s a “big” question, it’ll be ignored.

Thanks for your continued support on this site, it’s truly turning into a great success!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

Apple Aperture
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