Live Training Complete (101-119)
101 collection… 17+ hours of video, 33% off
Live Training Complete (101-119)
101 collection… 17+ hours of video, 33% off
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This is all of the Live Training 101 (the newer series), start to finish. If you're new to Aperture and want to learn it top to bottom, these bundles are a great way to jump in and start swimming immediately! This bundle contains over 17 hours of Aperture 3 live training, real world questions and honest answers.
What is Live Training?
Live Training is a series of 45 to 60 minute Aperture training sessions recorded live, every two to four weeks, starting in early 2011. They were created as a way to train on specific features in Aperture, one segment at a time. They were all broadcast live for free, and the unedited recordings were sold afterwards for just $2 each.
The original series began in 2011 with Live Training 001 and ended in 2013 with session 025. In 2014 it began again from the beginning, with session 101, and ended with session 119.
What is this bundle?
This Live Training 101 bundle contains all of the newer ApertureExpert Live Training 101 sessions, from 101 to 119, over 17 hours of training, normally sold for $2 each, but bundled at a significant discount.
What's the difference between 001 and 101?
The original Live Training 001 series were recorded starting with Aperture 3.0 in 2011, and finished with Aperture 3.2 in 2013.
The newer Live Training 101 series were recorded using the latest Aperture as of early 2014, so Aperture 3.5 and then Aperture 3.6 on Mac OS X Yosemite.
The Live Training 101 covered the same topics as the original 001 series, however they…
- were recorded in Aperture 3.5 and 3.6, so are entirely in the new interface (the UI).
- were recorded later than the originals, meaning they have additional years of experience. There was some new info, and some old was skipped (irrelevant, forgotten, etc.)
- covered new features that applied to old ideas, so the old videos may not cover everything that's current
Which should I buy?
If you're new to Aperture, I'd suggest starting with the 101 series, and if you get all caught up but want to learn more, go back to the old series, with the understanding that some of the UI may look different.
If you're an Aperture veteran, then you'll probably benefit from watching both, since the UI change is less likely to confuse you. Sure there's some repeat, but a lot of it will be new!
Can I just buy them all?
Of course! Check out the ApertureExpert Live Training Super Bundle, which contains 001 through 025 and 101 through 119. That's over 39 hours of training! And of course, the discount is even bigger.
Live Training Complete (101-119)
101 collection… 17+ hours of video, 33% off
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